Why Us?

Civilize Agriculture is founded with a firm belief in the potential of Thai agricultural sectors, With our leading innovation, unmatched agricultural knowledge, and strong partnership, we are aiming to be the best hub for high-value organic materials and products not only in Thailand but throughout the world.



Health and wellness have been global mega trend for years and it is clearly shown considering a change in consumer behaviors toward choosing a healthier lifestyle. With these, organic crops have become a preferable choice for consumers.


Thailand is considered one of the countries that contains an abundance amount of herb variations along with their usages. Herbs are an essential part of many daily consumables; toothpaste, food, drinks, pharmacine, just to name a few. As such, we are leveraging this vast amount of knowledge in Thai herbs to make Thailand truly the hub for herbal products.


th and wellness have been global mega trend for years and it is clearly shownc consumer behaviors toward choosing a healthier lifestyle. With these, organic crop become a preferable choice for consumers.

Sustainable Path

At the core of Civilize Agriculture is the belief that everything we do from researching to educating farmers can help us find a solution to one of the most pressing issues of this world, sustainability.